Dr. Larry Miller received a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Missouri – Columbia in Agricultural Education in 1965. He then taught Vocational Agriculture to students at Carroll County High School in Carrollton, Missouri from 1965 to 1967. Dr. Miller went on to teach Vocational Agriculture at Nodaway-Holt High School in Graham, Missouri from 1967-1969.
Dr. Miller received a Master of Science degree from Northwest Missouri State University with a major in Agriculture Education and a minor in Animal Science, in 1969. From 1969 to 1970, Dr. Miller served as an instructor in the Agriculture Department at Northwest Missouri State University.
Dr. Miller became an instructor in the Agricultural Education Department at Purdue University from 1970 to 1972. Dr. Miller then went on to receive his doctorate from Purdue University in 1972. He majored in Agricultural Education and holds two minors in Counseling and Personnel Services and Agronomy. From January to June of 1972, Dr. Miller served as an assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Engineering at Purdue University.
After receiving his Ph.D., Dr. Miller became an assistant professor in the Agricultural Education Program at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) from 1972 to 1976, where he was heavily involved in undergraduate and graduate teacher preparation. From 1976 to 1979 Dr. Miller served as an associate professor in the Agricultural Education Program at University Missouri – Columbia, where he was also heavily involved in undergraduate and graduate teacher preparation. In June of 1979, Dr. Miller joined the faculty as a professor in the Department of Agricultural Education at The Ohio State University. In this department, he taught research methods and teacher education courses in Agricultural Extension and Education until he retired in 2010. He is currently a faculty emeritus.
Dr. Miller has a long service record associated with vocational/career and technical education, having been involved with various organizations such as the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE), Ohio Association of Career and Technical Educators (Ohio ACTE), National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE), Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE), American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE), Association for Career and Technical Education Research – ACTER, Future Farmers of America (FFA), and Omicron Tau Theta (OTT) among many others.
Additionally, Dr. Miller has authored and contributed to over 50 scholarly publications. He has been received over 275 invitations to present his papers due to his scholarly activity and professional reputation for expertise in the content areas. Dr. Miller has served on many editorial boards including Journal of Agricultural Education, Journal of Vocational ‑ Technical Education (JVTE), and Journal of Vocational Education Research. He is a past Editor of the Journal of Agricultural Education and the Agricultural Education Magazine. Dr. Miller has also served as a graduate advisor and committee member for many masters and doctoral level students. Dr. Miller was selected as one of eight out of over 3,800 faculty members to be awarded The OSU Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching in 1986. He has had extensive involvement in international development activities with over 100 consultancies in nearly 20 countries. Dr. Miller currently resides in Dublin, Ohio.